ICD 10 PCS Index - Letter L

Labia majora use Vulva

Labia minora use Vulva

LAP-BAND(R) adjustable gastric banding system use Extraluminal Device

Laparoscopy see Inspection

Laryngocentesis see Drainage, Larynx ( 0C9S )

Laryngogram see Fluoroscopy, Larynx ( B91J )

Laryngopexy see Repair, Larynx ( 0CQS )

Laryngopharynx use Pharynx

Laryngorrhaphy see Repair, Larynx ( 0CQS )

Laryngotomy see Drainage, Larynx ( 0C9S )

Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve use Lumbar Plexus

Lateral nasal cartilage use Nasal Mucosa and Soft Tissue

Lateral plantar nerve use Tibial Nerve

Lateral sural cutaneous nerve use Peroneal Nerve

Lateral temporomandibular ligament use Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament

Least splanchnic nerve use Thoracic Sympathetic Nerve

Lefamulin Anti-infective ( XW0 )

Left ascending lumbar vein use Hemiazygos Vein

Left atrioventricular valve use Mitral Valve

Left auricular appendix use Atrium, Left

Left colic vein use Colic Vein

Left coronary sulcus use Heart, Left

Left gastric artery use Gastric Artery

Left gastroepiploic artery use Splenic Artery

Left gastroepiploic vein use Splenic Vein

Left inferior phrenic vein use Renal Vein, Left

Left inferior pulmonary vein use Pulmonary Vein, Left

Left jugular trunk use Thoracic Duct

Left lateral ventricle use Cerebral Ventricle

Left ovarian vein use Renal Vein, Left

Left second lumbar vein use Renal Vein, Left

Left subclavian trunk use Thoracic Duct

Left subcostal vein use Hemiazygos Vein

Left superior pulmonary vein use Pulmonary Vein, Left

Left suprarenal vein use Renal Vein, Left

Left testicular vein use Renal Vein, Left

Leptomeninges, intracranial use Cerebral Meninges

Leptomeninges, spinal use Spinal Meninges

Lesser alar cartilage use Nasal Mucosa and Soft Tissue

Lesser occipital nerve use Cervical Plexus

Lesser Omentum use Omentum

Lesser splanchnic nerve use Thoracic Sympathetic Nerve

Lesser wing use Sphenoid Bone

Leukopheresis, therapeutic see Pheresis, Circulatory ( 6A55 )

Levator anguli oris muscle use Facial Muscle

Levator ani muscle use Perineum Muscle

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle use Facial Muscle

Levator labii superioris muscle use Facial Muscle

Levator veli palatini muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle

LifeStent(R) (Flexstar)(XL) Vascular Stent System use Intraluminal Device

Ligamentum flavum, cervical use Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament

Ligamentum flavum, lumbar use Lower Spine Bursa and Ligament

Ligamentum flavum, thoracic use Upper Spine Bursa and Ligament

Ligation see Occlusion

Lingual tonsil use Pharynx

Lisocabtagene Maraleucel use Lisocabtagene Maraleucel Immunotherapy

Lisocabtagene Maraleucel Immunotherapy ( XW2 )

Lithoplasty see Fragmentation

LIVIAN(tm) CRT-D use Cardiac Resynchronization Defibrillator Pulse Generator in ( 0JH )

Lobotomy see Division, Brain ( 0080 )

Locus ceruleus use Pons

Long thoracic nerve use Brachial Plexus

Loop ileostomy see Bypass, Ileum ( 0D1B )

Loop recorder, implantable use Monitoring Device

Lower GI series see Fluoroscopy, Colon ( BD14 )

Lumbar artery use Abdominal Aorta

Lumbar facet joint use Lumbar Vertebral Joint

Lumbar ganglion use Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve

Lumbar lymph node use Lymphatic, Aortic

Lumbar lymphatic trunk use Cisterna Chyli

Lumbar splanchnic nerve use Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve

Lumbosacral facet joint use Lumbosacral Joint

Lumbosacral trunk use Lumbar Nerve

Lumpectomy see Excision

Lysis see Release