C22.2 ICD 10 Code is a billable and specific code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis of Hepatoblastoma for reimbursement purposes. The 2023 edition of the American ICD-10-CM code became effective on October 1, 2022.

Terms applicables to C22.2 ICD 10 code
Possible back-references that may be applicable or related to C22.2 ICD10 Code:

Present On Admission (POA Exempt)

C22.2 ICD 10 code is considered exempt from POA reporting

Clinical information about C22.2 ICD 10 code

Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. Primary liver cancer starts in the liver. Metastatic liver cancer starts somewhere else and spreads to your liver.

Risk factors for primary liver cancer include :

  • Having hepatitis B or C
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Having cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver
  • Having hemochromatosis, an iron storage disease
  • Obesity and diabetes

Symptoms can include a lump or pain on the right side of your abdomen and yellowing of the skin. However, you may not have symptoms until the cancer is advanced. This makes it harder to treat. Doctors use tests that examine the liver and the blood to diagnose liver cancer. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or liver transplantation.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

The information in this box was provided by MedlinePlus.gov