N53.12 ICD 10 Code is a billable and specific code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis of Painful ejaculation for reimbursement purposes. The 2023 edition of the American ICD-10-CM code became effective on October 1, 2022.

Possible back-references that may be applicable or related to N53.12 ICD10 Code:

Present On Admission (POA Exempt)

N53.12 ICD 10 code is considered exempt from POA reporting

Clinical information about N53.12 ICD 10 code

Many men have sexual problems. They become more common as men age. Problems can include:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced or lost interest in sex
  • Problems with ejaculation
  • Low testosterone

Stress, illness, medicines, or emotional problems may also be factors. Occasional problems with sexual function are common. If problems last more than a few months or cause distress for you or your partner, you should see your health care provider.

The information in this box was provided by MedlinePlus.gov